About the Shark Research Committee

Guest Speaker
Media Consultant

Pacific Coast
Shark News

Sharks of the Pacific Coast

White Shark Biosketch

Distribution and Diet of Pacific Coast White Sharks

Predatory Behavior of Pacific Coast White Sharks

Shark/Human Interactions Along the Pacific Coast

Pacific Coast
Shark Attack

Fatal Pacific Coast Shark Attacks
1900  —  Present

Shark Attacks Along the Pacific Coast - 2000 —

Shark Attacks Along the Pacific Coast - 1990s

Case Histories of Unprovoked White Shark Attacks:


White Shark Interactions with Inanimate Objects


Shark Encounters:

White Shark Encounters Along the Pacific Coast

Soupfin Shark Encounter

Reporting Forms:

  Shark Attack

  Shark Encounter

  Shark Predation

Shark Web Sites:

Recommended Links

'Save the Sharks — Save the Oceans' ™

Guest Speaker and Media Consultant

Are you in search of a guest speaker who will electrify and immerse your audience in a visual world of wonder and enlightenment? Does your recreational club, educational institution, or media project need a peer-recognized expert on White Shark behavior and their interactions with humans? Does your organization have need for our new Lecture Series "Public Awareness for Shark Conservation & Education", which discusses the sharks crucial role in the ocean ecosystem? If so, look no further.

Ralph S. Collier is recognized internationally as the leading authority on Pacific Coast White Shark behavior and ecology. For more than 60 years he has studied White Shark predatory behavior and biology as they relate to interactions with humans. His audio visual library extends for more than four decades and is unequaled in content. Excerpts from his exceptional collection of data and understanding about how, when, where, and why White Sharks attack have been published in professional journals, research symposium volumes, and appeared in more than 300 articles in the popular press. His book, “Shark Attacks of the Twentieth Century: from the Pacific Coast of North America,” has been proclaimed “a masterpiece” by colleagues and shark enthusiasts worldwide.             

Mr. Collier’s achievements include:
Founder and President of the Shark Research Committee (1963 - Present)
Pioneering the technique using "interspace measurements" from tooth impressions to determine shark species and size.
The first to cite the significance of White Shark attack “recurring locations,” as they pertain to attacks on humans.
The first researcher to note the significance, and correlation, between juvenile White Shark appearances at Southern California beaches and California Grunion spawns.
The first to postulate in the literature the significance behind the oddity of “eye rolling” by the White Shark during feeding and/or investigation behaviors.

Mr. Collier has appeared in more than two dozen Discovery Channel Shark Week Specials and four dozen independent documentaries; including those for the History Channel, BBC, National Geographic, Animal Planet and A & E. He has been a continuing consultant for Radio and TV news programs including; NBC Sunday Today Show, KNBC News, CBS News, The O'Reilly Factor, ABC News New York, CNN, The Heartland on FOX News, FOX News Los Angeles, FOX News Geraldo At Large, KTLA News Los Angeles, NBC 7/39 News, KUSI News, KHJ-TV News Los Angeles, ABC 7 News San Francisco, KPTV FOX 12 Portland, ABC's Good Morning America, CBS Evening News New York, ABC's Sunday Good Morning America, KCOY Fox News Santa Maria, WWWL Radio New Orleans, WGN Radio Chicago, America Tonight Radio, WBBR Radio New York, Michael Dresser Syndicated Radio, WICH Radio Connecticut, CJAD Radio Montreal, CKNW Radio Vancouver, WTCM Radio Michigan, KWRE Radio St. Louis, IRN USA Radio Network, Healthy Life Radio Network, AARP Radio, KFMB CBS 8 San DIego, Jessie Frees "Ask the Expert" WMTR New Jersey, KGTV ABC10 San Diego, KABC Radio 790 Los Angeles, NBC Today New York, CBS News Radio Los Angeles, Fox and Friends FOX News, CNN's Erin Burnett Out Front, MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports, MSNBC News New York, KABC 7 News Los Angeles, KCRW Los Angeles, KSBY News San Luis Obispo, CNN News Michaela Pereira, Weather Channel, KNX 1070 News Radio Los Angeles, CBS News 8 San Diego, i24 News Tel Aviv, Israel, REN TV Russia, News 12 New Jersey, Scripps News, Colin Murray BBC Radio 5, UK, and most recently RTVI TV Russia..


For additional information or to arrange for an appearance please contact Ralph S. Collier at SharkResearch@AOL.com .

The material contained on this website is shared as a public service and to further the scientific goals of the Shark Research Committee.  All text and images on this website are the exclusive property of the Shark Research Committee.  Information on this website may be used for private study, but may not otherwise be published, duplicated, or modified in any way without the prior written permission of Ralph S. Collier.