Sharks of the Pacific Coast of North America
At least 34 species of sharks have been recorded off the Pacific Coast of North America. These are listed in their hypothesized phylogenetic sequence with notes on their known geographic distribution off the West Coast. Those known or strongly suspected to have attacked humans are marked in red
Order Chlamydoselachiformes
Family Chlamydoselachidae
Chlamydoselachus anguineus - Frilled Shark
only one Pacific Coast record: Pt. Arguello, California
Order Hexanchiformes
Family Notorynchidae
Notorynchus cepedianus - Broadnose Sevengill Shark
British Columbia to Gulf of California; most abundant off Central California
Family Hexanchidae
Hexanchus griseus - Bluntnose Sixgill Shark
Alaska to Bahia de Todos Santos, northern Baja California
Order Echinorhiniformes
Family Echinorhinidae
Echinorhinus cookei - Prickly Shark
Moolach Beach, Oregon, to Baja California and Gulf of California
Order Squaliformes
Family Squalidae
Squalus acanthias - Spiny Dogfish
Bering Sea and Alaska to central Baja California
Family Etmopteridae
Centroscyllium nigrum - Combtooth Dogfish
Southern California to Strait of Magellan, Chile
Family Somniosidae
Somniosus pacificus - Pacific Sleeper Shark
Bering Sea and Alaska to Baja California; in shallow waters in northern part of its range, but in deep water from California southward
Family Dalatiidae
Euprotomicrus bispinatus - Pygmy Shark
rare off California; found well offshore
Isistius brasiliensis - Cookiecutter Shark
Baja California south to Isla Galapagos
Order Squaltiniformes
Family Squatinidae
Squatina californica - Pacific Angel Shark
southern Alaska to Baja California and Gulf of California; to depth of 186 meters in Gulf of California
Order Heterodontiformes
Family Heterodontidae
Heterodontus francisci - Horn Shark
Central California to Gulf of California and southward, probably to Ecuador and Peru; rare north of Southern California
Heterodontus mexicanus - Mexican Horn Shark
Bahia Magdalena, southern Baja California, into the Gulf of California and southward to Peru
Order Orectolobiformes
Family Rhincodontidae
Rhincodon typus - Whale Shark
occasionally off Southern California
Family Ginglymostomatidae
Ginglymostoma cirratum - Nurse Shark
southern Baja California into Gulf of California and southward to Peru
Order Lamniformes
Family Mitsukurinidae
Mitsukurina owstoni - Goblin Shark
only one Pacific Coast record, from Southern California
Family Odontaspididae
Odontaspis ferox - Ragged-Tooth Shark
Southern California and Malpelo Island, Mexico
Family Megachasmidae
Megachasma pelagios - Megamouth Shark
Southern California
Family Alopiidae
Alopias pelagicus - Pelagic Thresher
Southern California southward; oceanic, epipelagic
Alopias superciliosus - Bigeye Thresher Shark
California to Gulf of California
Alopias vulpinus - Common Thresher
Goose Bay, British Columbia, to Chile
Alopias sp. - [undescribed species of thresher shark]
known only from Southern California
Family Pseudocarchariidae
Pseudocarcharias kamoharai - Crocodile Shark
probably off Southern California
Family Cetorhinidae
Cetorhinus maximus - Basking Shark
Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska to Gulf of California
Family Lamnidae
Lamna ditropis - Salmon Shark
Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska to central Baja California
Carcharodon carcharias - White Shark
Gulf of Alaska to Gulf of California, mostly shallow coastal waters
Isurus oxyrinchus - Shortfin Mako
British Columbia to Chile
Order Carcharhiniformes
Family Scyliorhinidae
Apristurus brunneus - Brown Catshark
southeastern Alaska to northern Baja California; deep (137-1298 meters)
Apristurus kampae - Longnose Catshark
Cape Blanco, Oregon, southward to Southern California and Gulf of California;deep (180-1888 meters)
Cephaloscyllium ventriosum - Swell Shark
Monterey Bay, Central California, to Acapulco, Mexico
Cephalurus cephalus - Lollipop Catshark
southern Baja California and Gulf of California
Galeus piperatus - Peppered Catshark
Gulf of California
Parmaturus xaniurus - Filetail Catshark
Cape Foulweather, Oregon, to Baja California and Gulf of California
Family Triakidae
Mustelus californicus - Grey Smoothhound
Cape Mendocino, Northern California, to Mazatlan, Mexico
Mustelus dorsalis - Sharptooth Smoothhound
Gulf of California
Mustelus henlei - Brown Smoothhound
Coos Bay, Oregon, to Gulf of California
Mustelus lunulatus - Sicklefin Smoothhound
San Diego, California, to Peru
Triakis semifasciata - Leopard Shark
Oregon to Baja California and northern Gulf of California
Family Galeorhinidae
Galeorhinus galeus - Soupfin Shark
northern British Columbia to Bahia San Juanico, central Baja California
Family Galeocerdidae
Galeocerdo cuvier - Tiger Shark
Southern California; possibly north to southeastern Alaska
Family Rhizoprionodontidae
Rhizoprionodon longurio - Pacific Sharpnose Shark
Southern California to Peru
Family Sphyrnidae
Sphyrna corona - Mallethead Shark
Gulf of California and southern Mexico to Peru
Sphyrna lewini - Scalloped Hammerhead
Santa Barbara, Southern California, southward
Sphyrna media - Scoophead Shark
Gulf of California to Ecuador, probably to northern Peru
Sphyrna mokarran - Great Hammerhead
southen Baja California southward to Peru
Sphyrna tiburo - Bonnethead
San Diego, California, to Peru
Sphyrna zygaena - Smooth Hammerhead
Central California to Gulf of California
Family Carcharhinidae
Carcharhinus albimarginatus - Silvertip Shark
southern Baja California southward to Colombia
Carcharhinus altimus - Bignose Shark
Gulf of California to southern Mexico
Carcharhinus brachyurus - Copper Shark
Southern California to Gulf of California
Carcharhinus falciformis - Silky Shark
southern Baja California southward to Peru
Carcharhinus galapagensis - Galapagos Shark
southern Baja California southward to Colombia
Carcharhinus leucas - Bull Shark
southern Baja California southward to Peru
Carcharhinus limbatus - Blacktip Shark
San Diego, California, southward
Carcharhinus longimanus - Oceanic Whitetip
Monterey, Central California, to Gaviota, Southern California and southward
Carcharhinus obscurus - Dusky Shark
Redondo Beach, Southern California to Gulf of California
Carcharhinus plumbeus - Sandbar Shark
southern tip of Baja Peninsula and Revillagigedo Islands
Carcharhinus porosus - Smalltail Shark
Gulf of California southward to Peru
Nasolamia velox - Whitenose Shark
central Baja California and Gulf of California south to Peru
Negaprion brevirostris - Lemon Shark
southern Baja California and Gulf of California to Ecuador
Prionace glauca - Blue Shark
Gulf of Alaska to Chile |